

Those hand-painted walls With scribbles, symbols unknown Rewinds the life tape.   It plays lovely days Filled with giggles, gibberish Just so wonderful!!   Numbered those days are, I did know very clearly But my heart said no   In their teens they are emptiness syndrome strikes...


They waited for the day, With eagerness and tension, As there, their happiness did lay.   To all gods they did pray, To ensure their lives reached a contention, They waited for the day.   When natural ways didn't pay, They sought medical...

The Trio Adventures – A Teacher’s Secret

School life, memorable days of our life aren't they? Especially when you have some wonderful friends, an amazing teacher and understanding parents, there's nothing better than that.    Here's a book written by a school going...

The Fairly Ordinary Princess

How deep do you get into while reading a book? Do you get lost in those pages or sail through the thoughts of the characters?    Well, here is a princess, a fairly ordinary princess who...

The Secret Mantra

Oft I wonder,  How do children manage to be happy?  They cry and weep,  But that's short lived.  They smile and laugh their hearts out,  Oblivious of their surroundings.  What's the secret mantra I thought,  And slowly drifted to sleep.  Heard a...

Eerie Silence

  An eerie silence shrouded the air,  Unusual that was, As kids were part of the daily affair.    An armed troop was the reason,  For the vibrant air to turn chill,  Even during this festive season.    Two shots, one hit the...

What’s Our Fault

Oh! What was our fault, tell me my mother, That ousted we're , from our country so dear? We didn't ask for fight, nor revolution, Neither power, bloodshed, nor any loss.   All we wanted was, just a peaceful...

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