Chanakya’s Chant

Chanakya’s Chant

Title : Chanakya’s Chant Author : Ashwin Sanghi Genre : Thriller Publisher: Harper Collins    Chanakya - a name synonymous with economics and finance. What was his chant? Why this title? With these questions in mind, I started reading...

Burnt Shadows

Title : Burnt Shadows  Author : Kamila Shamsie Genre : Historical Fiction  A novel based on some unforgettable historical happenings. Burnt Shadows tells us the tale of Hiroko Tanaka, a resident of Nagasaki, well now you get...

Scars Etched for Eternity

In English we say, I was bullied But in poetry … Laughed upon and scorned By people who took others for granted. Physically and verbally they abused, And… that was endured in silence. Lest they knew, and probably cared a...


In English we say, I feel lonely, But in poetry… I walk in the crowd, still feel something is amiss, I hear thousands of voices, still my ears don't hear. I see people in plenty, still my eyes...


Swatantratha* was your aim, Even if you had to move away from non-violence, For which Azad Hind Fauj* was your calling. Your voice lured many, sans gender bias, To take up arms to free the country. "Tum mujhe khoon...


Appalled was I when I read their words, I couldn't make a head or tail out of it, And words seem to have lost their meaning.   MHROTD, well does this make your day? Or Many happy returns of...

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