Masked Life

  Living in a hiding, so far, Away from your near and dear ones, To not meet again even once, Life becomes uncertain like war, Decisions that would always marr When one's existence is at stake, Hardly any choice left to...

Smile that Masks

Every smile that she bore Masked some emotions and fears.  Behind it, lay a plethora of,  Unspoken words and feelings.  Her soul remained sealed Beneath the deceptive smile you see.  The mirror was her soul sister,  As she revealed the bruises...

Autumn Learnings

The colours of fall,  Captivates us all.  Ushering the onset of winter,  When snow falls pitter patter.  The trees get ready,  To face the snow, all steady.  They probably know,  The leaves can't stand the snow.  Is that why the leaves ripen?  And...

Awaken the Artist Inside You

A stroke here and a stroke there, or Raising up the level of a building, or Testing one's taste buds, or Igniting the senses within, or Swaying to the tunes and beats,  The true artist lies within.    Arouse that little...

Zero’s Rant

Bhramagupta, my father, named me Shunya, Which means Absence.  Did he give you the right To use that for failures?  I add value to digits And make them grow ten-fold.  I depict completeness,  As I start and end at the same...

An Unfulfilled Childhood

  Those big bright eyes,  Looked so spirited and high.  They shone with confidence,  Grit and perseverance.  The kohl laid eyes did hide,  Something so deep and wide.  From the world and near ones,  As they couldn't guess even once.  Those eyes, so...

Ink – An Acrostic

Ideas and thoughts that Nestle in our minds and Kindle our emotions,    Inking them onto paper,  Neat and crisp, oh!  Keyboards can't do that magic.    Idyllically holding the pen,  Nursed with ink of any hue,  Kaleidoscope of imaginations emerge.   


Forests,  So dense,  And so deep.  You Nurture creatures,  Big and small.  Your Depth speaks,  Mythology and epics,  Civilizations,  Inventions, progress,  Of human race.  I Oft wonder,  About our existence,  Sans Your rich And majestic presence.  Pic Courtesy : Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

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