Can Rocks Melt?


Chirping as usual,

In their own little world,

These two legged birdies

Never had a moment that was dull.

A nest so beautiful,

Was secure admist the mighty rocks,

On the foothills

Of the snowclad Himalayas.

There lay in the cozy nest

Four tiny, white eggs,

Just eager to crack open,

To the widening horizon.

The little birdies flew out

Day in and day out,

And brought back food

Enough to sail the cold.

The birdies didn’t realize,

The dangers to their abode.

They kept flying and flying

In search of food for surviving.

Alas, the danger struck,

As the nature turned beserk,

And toppled all trees and rocks,

With the whirlwind in its locks.

The birdies sensed the trouble,

The shrill voices became a treble.

Their four tiny eggs

Shivered in their nests.

Then happened the miracle,

Something that’s still unanswerable,

No one knew how it happened,

For a layman, it’s still a puzzle.

The mighty Himalayan rocks,

Moved bit  by bit

And covered the nest

Securing the lives in it.

Did the birdies’ cries,

Manage to melt the rocks?

Probably the answer is with

The Himalayas and the birdies.

Photo by John Apps on Unsplash

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