Kirti V

An IT Professional turned teacher who loved to write took to serious writing during the 2020 pandemic. I prefer writing poems but have written some short stories as well. A voracious reader, linguist, an avid quizzer, music and sports lover, self proclaimed coffee addict and foodie that I am, my creations also reflect the same. Have contributed to some anthologies and look forward to publish my own sometime. Kirti's Signature is the foundation for that.. Happy to share my work with you all through this website. It contains poems, stories, mini bytes (pocket poems and pocket stories), reviews and a glimpse of my published work!! The website will also feature the different types of poetry forms with the explanations and sample poems written on the same.




Aye books A Writer's pride And a reader's delight Rustle and smell of your paper, Aah.. Intoxicating.


A pensee poem is a five-line, non rhyming patterned poem. Topic: writer’s choice Rhyme Scheme: non-rhyming Syllable count: line: 1 – 2 syllables line: 2 – 4 syllables line: 3 – 7 syllables line: 4 – 8 syllables line: 5 – 6...


Sounds that came out from the room were Cries that sent chills down the spine.  Reverberating against the four walls,  Each of different emotions, one of pain And the other of anxiety. A mother's pain, and the baby's anxiety...   Photo...

Words and Books

Freed you are from ignorance if you,  Read your way through books.  Breed with like minded binds,  Exceed your intellectual looks.    Sight the images that form in your mind,  Light them up with your words.  Right path if you take,...

Correction Woes!!!

What on earth is that, an 'a' or 'o'? Can you tell me, or is it a no? Am not able to read this, Is it my age or a miss? A teacher's correction woes, you know!

Like a Bird

Through the floating sponge I flew like the lovely bird, Fearless, focussed, undeterred, Ready for the plunge, Into the depths of my life, With confidence by my side.


The Sedoka is originally a musical poem which the Japanese used to sing. Rhyme Scheme: abbacd Syllable Count: 5-7-7-5-7-7

Shed War, Embrace Love

The terrible sounds of blasts, oh! Unbearable. The stench of blood, flesh and smoke, makes us uneasy. What do you gain ye human, by spreading hatred? Please, let us grow up in peace, shed war, embrace love.

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Echoes of April 13, 1919


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