The Wait


He waited for her to come

With tea, honey cake, loads of love

And a ring to surprise her. 

He was in true love, 

She was his girl and 

He just wanted to seal it with a kiss. 

She came, all dressed up, 

But not in a gown as be thought, 

Instead donning the military cap. 

She had been commissioned, 

For the next mission for the nation. 

Duty first, the ring should wait, said she. 

Six months later, he was there again, 

With the tea, honey cake and ring, 

Tears rolled down as he kissed 

The casket bearing her name. 

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

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  1. Very touching lines… You have really gone very far and high in writing… Congratulations dear… I am really proud of you ❤️❤️


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