Kirti V

An IT Professional turned teacher who loved to write took to serious writing during the 2020 pandemic. I prefer writing poems but have written some short stories as well. A voracious reader, linguist, an avid quizzer, music and sports lover, self proclaimed coffee addict and foodie that I am, my creations also reflect the same. Have contributed to some anthologies and look forward to publish my own sometime. Kirti's Signature is the foundation for that.. Happy to share my work with you all through this website. It contains poems, stories, mini bytes (pocket poems and pocket stories), reviews and a glimpse of my published work!! The website will also feature the different types of poetry forms with the explanations and sample poems written on the same.




More than the world they mean, Affectionate is she towards them. Amazing courage she has When she embraces motherhood.   Considered coy and shy, A mother isn't one though. As she brings out a life, Almost losing hers…   Her blood and flesh, Lies in...

Muffled Voice

I could hear the voices, That awaited my arrival. They said we will do this, They said we will do that.   I knew they were mine, And I belonged to them. Lest I knew that, That was just my misunderstanding.   Reality was...

Smoky Imprints

The azure sky, Looked bright and calm, Shining against the sun, It looked all warm.   Gray coloured birds, Flew across majestically. Leaving a trail of smoke, As the imprint on its body.   The birds had a tattoo, The tricolour that we boast off. They...


South pole of moon left unexplored has Indian footprint.   image courtesy - ISRO

Chandrayaan – An Acrostic

Charging our scientific prowess,  Heralding a new tomorrow,  Applauding the ancestors who,  Nurtured science in the ancient days.  Demystifying the myths that India can't Rebuild on its vast knowledge and intelligence,  Agile, we became when we launched,  Yonder we think as...

The Greatest Wanderer

Who's the greatest wanderer,  Have you ever thought,  Who can it be?    Thoughts drift,  From present to past,  And to the future too.    The path that is taken,  Is sometimes known,  And sometimes unexplored too.    The journey is pleasant,  At times painful too,  But, isn't...

Old Castle

Dark night, yelping fox flying bats, dry leaves, weak steps sends chills down the spine   Pic courtesy : Photo by Daniel Morris on Unsplash

If a Castle Would Speak

The walls, old yet firm,  Spoke in volumes,  Of the royalty it enclosed.  The generations that grew within,  And the stories of their valour.    The unwinding stairs,  Had tales to tell too.  Tales of battle lessons learnt,  And footsteps that brought in Happiness,...

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