The English Teacher


R K Narayan, the name synonymous with the dreamy town of Malgudi. Isn’t it? When I picked up his book ‘The English Teacher’, I didn’t imagine that it would leave a lasting impression on me.


The story about a young English teacher Krishnan, takes us through his journey and struggles. It gives us a glimpse of the olden days in RK’s impeccable style.


The story begins with Krishnan taking us through his routine. He taught English at the Albert Mission College who lived in the college hostel with his colleagues. The tale picks up pace when he receives letters from his father and wife.


Krishnan is now asked to take his wife along as his little daughter has grown up a bit that Susila his wife can manage her all by herself. Krishnan goes on a house hunt and settles down with a reasonably good house at the end of the Sarayu Street.


He starts enjoying his days with the company of his wife and Leela, his daughter. The author takes us smoothly through this and the twist that comes up leaves the reader in shock.


The change in the storyline does leave the reader with a lump in the throat. You end up shedding a tear with Krishnan and Susila. As this happens, an unusual R K Narayan style peeps out.


From the humour and liveliness, the story moves into playing with human emotions and deep love.


R K Narayan lovers, please grab this lovely book and give it a read. You will not regret reading this.


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