Myriad Hues of Life


Title : Myriad Hues of Life

Author : Pooja Mandala

Genre : Poetry

Publisher: The Little Booktique Hub


Poetry need not consist of ornate words and difficult thoughts. Simple words and mundane thoughts can be weaved into amazing poetry. Pooja Mandala’s Myriad Hues of Life is an outstanding example for the same.


22 poems that connect to the reader as though it is a slice of their life. Every poem is beautifully woven.


My favourites here are 

Myriad Hues of a Woman that motivates the woman within.

My Mother and Memories of Summer Past tugs the heart and takes you on a nostalgic journey to your childhood.

I’m Your Security Blanket speaks volume about mother’s love.

Hope fills the reader with hope and a reason to move forward.

A breezy read for poetry lovers and an easy read for beginners, Pooja’s words do enthrall everyone.


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