
A decima is a ten-line stanza of poetry, and the song form generally consists of forty-four lines (an introductory four-line stanza followed by four ten-line stanzas). It is also called "espinela" after its founder, Vicente Espinel (1550–1624), a...


Janaku, the poetry style that has no rules regarding rhyme or syllable. It comprises of three lines. First line has one word, second line two and the third line has three words. Eg : Sun, The mystical Ball...


Invented by Edmund Clerihew Bentley, a popular English novelist and humourist, Clerihew is written considering the following guidelines - It is four lines long. The rhyme scheme followed is A/A/B/B The first line of...

Loop Poetry

Loop poetry, is a poetry form created by Hellon. There are no restrictions on the number of stanzas or the syllables. The last word of the line one becomes the first word of line...


This is one of  my favourite poetry style. An acrostic poem is a poem where letters in each line spell out a word or a phrase. Mostly the first letters of each line are used...

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