Soothing.. Now??

Myriad hues so soothing,  Makes life go chirping,  As the birds dance around in glee,  My heart swoons unknowingly.    A sight like this is unmissable,  The image that's made isn't erasable.  Alas!! This has become just a dream,  As nature now...

Like a Silhouette

Our togetherness The universe seems to bless Don't you see, my dear?   The dark, starlit sky, The still waters of the lake, Reflect our pure love.   Swirling around you, With the cool, musical breeze, I feel ecstatic.   Resting myself on Your broad and caring...

Various Versions of a Woman

Spreading a cheer in the house,  By being immensely adorable,  Is a daughter, who makes one smile.    Fights picked upon,  Yet, the first person to confide,  Is a sister, who's our second mother.    Soul sister, bestie, partner in crime,  You name...

Gazing into the Unknown

  Eyes fixed lazily at the far off horizon thinking of unknown.   What future holds for Is indeed a mystery. So let's take a guess.


Man, is surrounded by inventions,  Inventions that speak of his intelligence,  Inventions that speak of misuse,  Inventions, both constructive and destructive.    Inventions that speak of his intelligence,  Make world a better place and Increase the quality of life.  Aren't they the...

The Magic Lamp

How I wish I had a lamp,  Just like Aladdin.  And as I rub the body,  A genie comes to fulfill my wishes".   Clatter! Bang! Clank!  These sounds woke me up,  And there was my kitchen,  All decorated with broken porcelain.    At...

An Innocent Query

Hey dear mother,  The clothes hanging up high,  Seem to be enjoying more than us.  Don't they look free and relaxed,  Whereas, we are struggling.  Struggling to find a roof over our head,  Call a piece of land as our...

The Carousel

Childhood was a nightmare for her,  As she didn't enjoy.  Nothing was normal like others,  As she was the sole breadwinner.    Her family, dependent on her, She forgot to enjoy life. Money, care and security  Was all that her little mind...

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