Kirti V

An IT Professional turned teacher who loved to write took to serious writing during the 2020 pandemic. I prefer writing poems but have written some short stories as well. A voracious reader, linguist, an avid quizzer, music and sports lover, self proclaimed coffee addict and foodie that I am, my creations also reflect the same. Have contributed to some anthologies and look forward to publish my own sometime. Kirti's Signature is the foundation for that.. Happy to share my work with you all through this website. It contains poems, stories, mini bytes (pocket poems and pocket stories), reviews and a glimpse of my published work!! The website will also feature the different types of poetry forms with the explanations and sample poems written on the same.




A Classical Greek and Latin metrical line consisting of 11 syllables: typically a spondee or trochee, a choriamb, and two iambs, the second of which has an additional syllable at the end. The classical...

Poet’s Pen

Thoughtful thoughts take solid shape (7)  When words nurture, nestle them so well (9)  Poem pose with rhyme, rhythm (6)  Stories speak about grit, glamour. (8)  Poet's pen, works wonders, (5)  To refresh, recharge, calm, cool. (7)  Verses, make mind...

The Alliterisen

This is  a form created by Udit Bhatia.  It is a simple seven-lined poem with a specific syllable pattern and two alliterations per line. For example: Glorious Graves, and wonderful waves.  Alliteration is the succession of...


Deep thoughts seem to flow easily,  From Poet's Mind,  Pen.  From Artist's Canvas,  Brushes,  From Deep, thoughts seem to flow easily   Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Skinny Poem

A Skinny is an American short poem (a fixed form) that consists of eleven lines. The first and eleventh lines can be any length (although shorter lines are favored). The eleventh and last line...

Frozen Love

Those tightly clasped palms, Locked lips and eyes full of love Moments froze in time.


Below the lit sky With you by my side, oh love! Future looks so bright

Breaking the Shackles

Chirpy and active she was,  Well, that's what people thought.  Or rather, that's what she wanted,  The mortals around to see   She was stuck neck deep,  In the sea of customs and traditions.  She did like them,  But something bothered her.    She...

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The Rozabal Line

Echoes of April 13, 1919


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