Kirti V

An IT Professional turned teacher who loved to write took to serious writing during the 2020 pandemic. I prefer writing poems but have written some short stories as well. A voracious reader, linguist, an avid quizzer, music and sports lover, self proclaimed coffee addict and foodie that I am, my creations also reflect the same. Have contributed to some anthologies and look forward to publish my own sometime. Kirti's Signature is the foundation for that.. Happy to share my work with you all through this website. It contains poems, stories, mini bytes (pocket poems and pocket stories), reviews and a glimpse of my published work!! The website will also feature the different types of poetry forms with the explanations and sample poems written on the same.



Love of Rains

Rains, You quench The thirst of The parched,arid Earth and it's beings. The petrichor flags your Arrival on the lap of Nature, with your pitter-patter Oh! That urges the child within me To shed inhibitions and play with you.


The etheree is a little-known poetry format, consisting of ten lines with graduated syllables. It was created over twenty years ago by an Arkansas poet named Etheree Taylor Armstrong. The first line is a monosyllabic...

Cinderella in my Imagination

  She worked in the gutter,  And ensured that there's no litter.  She found it hard to make ends meet,  But from helping others, never did she retreat.  She never ate her full,  But to give others, her hands were...

Mute Witness

Alone she stood, along the unwinding shores Of the vast sea that rumbled often.  The bouncy waves caressed her legs,  And danced around her like a little child.    The rumblings that echoed, spoke in volumes Of the notes of...

Hiraeth, Partition stories from 1947

Hiraeth, Partition stories from 1947 : The title and the cover of this book are really unique and special. The title piqued the history fanatic in me and the cover conveyed the depth of the...

Ekphrastic Poem

An Ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of Art. In an Ekphrastic poem, poets usually describe some part of the work of Art and may extend their...

The Realization

She saw her life swinging high and low As she swung high up in the wooden swing.  The carefree days of childhood,  Brought a beautiful curve on her face.  Lest she knew, how short lived was that,  As she...

Pencil Box

Pride of the owner Envied by the eyes around Charm it was, to own. The poem is published in the website of UnitedByInk group : Image by Rupert Kittinger-Sereinig from Pixabay 

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