Wholehearted Embrace


Claustrophobic she felt,

And badly wanted to run away.

Alas, she couldn’t do,

As she was stuck within.


Worried for her life she was,

But more about her mother,

A passionate woman who lived for her,

Only for her.


Gathering courage she spoke,

“Mom, I don’t feel ok.

My soul feel trapped,

In my body and mind,

I feel suffocated,

When draping a saree”.


With several unanswered questions,

As her mom just looked at her,

She held mom’s hands to her face and said,

“Mom, I am a transman”.


Moments of silence transpired 

Like eras at that time.

An eruption followed,

Not volcanic but of love.


Her mom took her in a tight embrace,

“I live for you my child,

If this is what that defines you,

Then I too will embrace my dear SON”.

Tears of happiness and acceptance,

Released him from the mental chains.

Photo by Dekler Ph on Unsplash


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