The Curse of Kukkutarma


The Curse of Kukkutarma, a science fiction mixed with history that takes us through a roller coaster journey with Atityan, the time machine. 


The protagonist, a child prodigy, fulfills his dream of creating a time machine. He wanted to go to the past, but a minor calibration error takes him to the future. Opu aka Opamanyu, the protagonist here takes the reader along with his passion towards science and history. 


The past and future balanced well throughout the story keeps the reader hooked up. The description of the erstwhile Indus Valley Civilization and its people is vivid and interesting. 


The characters are all carved to perfection and their emotional turmoil is depicted well too. As a reader I was awe with the female ruler of Thivutha, anguished at the betrayal by Bhiji, mesmerized by the Great Bath, wept at Abhija’s plight and heaved a sigh of relief at the climax. That’s the power of the author’s words. 


The research put into the book by the anthropologist author Prateep Roy is commendable and has indeed bore the fruit of success. The inclusion of the table of terms that helps us understand those words as it comes in the story. 


Overall, The Curse of Kukkutarma is a must read for all fiction lovers. The book is published by Story Mirror and is available on Amazon


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