
I Am Not a Runaway

Aura was sorrowful, With wails crooning against walls. Anguish sang songs, So sorrowful and unhappy. Sound of a bomb : not a lullaby Was raising up. Pain was all around, With humans torn apart. Blood was in motion, With no path to drift, As...


  Dust and fragments Covered the earth, That once was a garden.   Instead of cherries on trees, It now had dried blood, And pieces of human flesh.   Pebbles were replaced, With empty shells And metal fragments.   The greenery gave way to, Grey, black and red… The...

Shed War, Embrace Love

The terrible sounds of blasts, oh! Unbearable. The stench of blood, flesh and smoke, makes us uneasy. What do you gain ye human, by spreading hatred? Please, let us grow up in peace, shed war, embrace love.

An Innocent Query

Hey dear mother,  The clothes hanging up high,  Seem to be enjoying more than us.  Don't they look free and relaxed,  Whereas, we are struggling.  Struggling to find a roof over our head,  Call a piece of land as our...

Was it My Fault?

Oh! Mother mine, was it my fault?  That I was born on your lap?  Or is there something more to it?  Don't I deserve to live a life,  With an identity and dignity?    I saw dad fighting all through,  Oh!...

Eerie Silence

  An eerie silence shrouded the air,  Unusual that was, As kids were part of the daily affair.    An armed troop was the reason,  For the vibrant air to turn chill,  Even during this festive season.    Two shots, one hit the...

Plight of War

Still streets, whom to admonish Many dreams, yet to fulfill, It takes time to establish, But world came to a standstill.


We gain Nothing in war But, pain.    Cold blood Flows freely like A flood.    Cries fill,  The air so cold, And chill.   Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

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