Crisp, Fresh and Empty


With fresh thoughts,

I sat down to pen,

My life’s journey,

Through my words,

On a paper that was

Crisp, fresh and empty.


As the ink flowed through the nib,

My thoughts froze.

It came to a standstill,

And resolved not to budge.


Minutes passed by

And so did hours,

But the ink still stayed in the nib.

As the boulder of my thoughts blocked it.


I wondered why,

I really wanted to write,

Then a wisp I heard,

Which said, “It’s the writer’s block.

Go ahead and unwind,

Do what you like.

Then come back rejuvenated

And the block will just melt away.”


I didn’t pay much heed,

And continued to ponder.

Days later, I was left behind,

With a pen laden with ink,

And a page,

Crisp, fresh and empty.

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