

Appalled was I when I read their words,

I couldn’t make a head or tail out of it,

And words seem to have lost their meaning.


MHROTD, well does this make your day?

Or Many happy returns of the day?


The IDK and IDC,

Look like acronyms of some disease.


In the thought of FOMO,

Missed is the beautiful literature lingo.


It was written XOXO,

The meaning of which is a beautiful word, but do you know?


With the advent of the SMS lingo,

The words seem to have lost their meaning.


And as I talk about it

And I feel my writing is rizz,

No cap… I mean it…

Gen Alpha says I am flexing…

Are you getting salty? 

Or feeling something is sus?

Photo by Buddha Elemental 3D on Unsplash

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  1. Hahaha… LOL… Well, I too used an acronum now. Yet, I don’t know many of the acronyms used by the Gen Alpha. I’m gonna search the meanings of all the words written in bold letters FOMO onwards… Another task added to my To Do List.

    Very well written poem. I enjoyed it.

    • Haha.. See.. We end up using it!!! Ask your Gen Alpha at home for the acronyms Gayatri 😉 Thank you for reading through!!


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