Originated from Japan, and developed during the Edo Period (1603-1867), the Naga Uta initially was created as a dance music. This form is now used to tell a story accompanied by shamisen music (the...
Kyoka is a poetry form that is used to make fun of politicians or leaders, and to make fun of certain events that took place.
It follows the syllable count of tanka: 5-7-5-7-7
~ The Ae Freslighe can have more than one stanza. For this event, write one stanza in any topic.
~ Each stanza is built up out of four lines (a quatrain)
~ Each line has seven...
Created by Jan Haag, the eintou is built this way:
line 1: 2 syllables/words
line 2: 4 syllables/words
line 3: 6 syllables/words
line 4: 8 syllables/words
line 5: 6 syllables/words
line 6: 4 syllables/words
line 7: 2 syllables/words
Inspired from the Fibonacci form of poetry that counts the number of words per line.
Fibbosyllacci is developed by Rham Dhel that uses syllables rather than words. It is a 6-line poem that has the...
A Classical Greek and Latin metrical line consisting of 11 syllables: typically a spondee or trochee, a choriamb, and two iambs, the second of which has an additional syllable at the end. The classical...