
A pensee poem is a five-line, non rhyming patterned poem. Topic: writer’s choice Rhyme Scheme: non-rhyming Syllable count: line: 1 – 2 syllables line: 2 – 4 syllables line: 3 – 7 syllables line: 4 – 8 syllables line: 5 – 6...


The Sedoka is originally a musical poem which the Japanese used to sing. Rhyme Scheme: abbacd Syllable Count: 5-7-7-5-7-7


The Imayo is a 4-line Japanese poem that has 12 syllables in each line. There is a planned caesura (or pause) between the first 7 syllables and the final 5, which means each line...


The triversen is a loose form of sentence-long tercets developed by William Carlos Williams (or "The Red Wheelbarrow" and Paterson fame). The rules of Triversen are Each stanza equals one sentence. Each sentence/stanza breaks into...

List Poetry

A list poem features an inventory of people, places, things, or ideas organized in a special way. Often the title says what the list is about. It does not necessarily need to include rhythm...

Inspiring Nature

Myriad hues of Flowers, leaves, insects and birds Enhance the beauty.   Lessons they teach of Being pleasant and friendly Towards the brethren.   They help each other Despite the diversities. Ain't that inspiring?

Women and Trees!!!

Birthing a life,  Ahh… that's a gift from God.  Like the trees,  We women, bear the joy.    Nurturing a tiny human,  Within us,  The feeling.. So surreal and divine too.    The pain that we bear,  Makes us strong.  But oft I wonder,  Is this inborn?    Like...

Hidden Hues

Delving deep into Oneself, brings out the varied Hues that were hidden.

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