Ye Waves!!!

Funny, frolicking Thou caress my feet and soul Soothing, calm, Ye waves!


Fire, the eternal Burns away darkness around Spreads light and wisdom.


Astounding was thy personality Treat to the ears was thy voice, Amazing were thy poetic verses, Long living is thy name.   Beyond parties thou art loved, Idol thou art to many Heartening it was to see thou smile, Astonishing was thy...


South pole of moon left unexplored has Indian footprint.   image courtesy - ISRO

Chandrayaan – An Acrostic

Charging our scientific prowess,  Heralding a new tomorrow,  Applauding the ancestors who,  Nurtured science in the ancient days.  Demystifying the myths that India can't Rebuild on its vast knowledge and intelligence,  Agile, we became when we launched,  Yonder we think as...

Old Castle

Dark night, yelping fox flying bats, dry leaves, weak steps sends chills down the spine   Pic courtesy : Photo by Daniel Morris on Unsplash

Dignity for All

Every heart that beats Deserves moments to be loved, Respected and cared. Photo by Jiroe (Matia Rengel) on Unsplash

Tangy Tangy

Your tanginess... Ahh.. Arouses all the taste buds. Aren't you just too great?

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