

The bustling city,

Came to a standstill,

When some perpetrators,

Invaded her privacy.


They, a bunch of youngsters,

Came through her waters

And killed people in random,

Rejoicing at every bullet they fired.


They entered Leopold,

And emptied bullets there too,

The marks of which

Can still be seen.


They didn’t spare the commuters too,

As they barged into the CST,

Passengers were caught unawares,

And many lives perished.


The Taj was their next target,

And they set her crown on fire.

She burnt for two days straight,

Till the NSGs came to her rescue.


The brave hearts of the Mumbai police

And the NSG commandos,

Fought till their last breath,

And didn’t hesitate to sacrifice their lives.


‘The City that never sleeps’

Was back to action in just two days,

Showing the whole world

How resilient she and her sons were.


As the visuals replay,

Shivers are sent down the spine,

26/11… the date etched in our memory,

Will remain fresh till we ourselves perish.

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