

The bustling city, Came to a standstill, When some perpetrators, Invaded her privacy.   They, a bunch of youngsters, Came through her waters And killed people in random, Rejoicing at every bullet they fired.   They entered Leopold, And emptied bullets there too, The marks of...

Welcoming Winters

Air, chill, yet pleasant, Misty curtains envelop, Welcoming winters.

A Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Title : A Boy in the Striped Pajamas Author: John Boyne Genre: Fiction A narrative that leaves your heart heavy and your eyes teary… That is A Boy in the Striped Pajamas.  Set in the backdrop of World...

I Have the Streets: A Kutti Cricket Story

Title: I Have the Streets: A Kutti Cricket Story Author: Ravichandran Ashwin and Sidharth Monga Genre: Autobiography Cricket… the name sends an adrenaline rush. India is known for her people’s love for cricket and cricket stars. So...

A Day Without Internet

A day without internet, Pure bliss and peace. The ‘dings’ of notifications go into hiding, Giving way to the rustling of papers.   The YouTube ads become muted, And the super singers in us wake up. Online Ludo and cards just...


Pristine beauty on the sky, You add charm to the blanket of night. Soothing is your presence  And comforting is your light.   Legends speak about you a lot, Your existence has the Gods involved. You are an integral part of...

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